Level 1 Students

Pushes and Pulls
Measurement-capacity,size Ending letter sound, long i sound
Magnets Solid shapes, comparing numbers Beginning letter sound
Gravity before and after number, missing numbers Sight words, making sentences
Sink and Float Add and subtract sl,fl-blend words
SImple machine Graphs ea,ee sound words

Level 2 Students

Topic Math Language Arts
Push and pulls
Measurement- weight, size Diagraphs-Sh,Ch,Th,Wh
Sc and Sk words
Magnets Missing number in subtraction,
base 10 blocks-tens and ones
What will happen next?
Gravity Addition and subtraction word problems Question words, word family -ay,-aw
Sink and float Decomposing numbers-
what number should be added to 10
Riddles,Who am I?,
making sentences
Simple Machines 2 digit addition-no regrouping Sight words-unit 18,19,20,
long u sound